Monday, February 1, 2010

Music on Mondays

Oh, I need a pick-me-up today! It is Monday and I am moving s.l.o.w.l.y. So, Music on Mondays makes me happy - I like sharing some of my favorite music.

Today's song, "I Will Be the One Who Loves You the Most" by Brett Dennen is soooooo sweet. It is dedicated to all my family! I love you ALL!!!

Now, go grab your baby (of any age - even hubby's can count) & hold them tight, snuggle & sway to this tune! Enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...

That IS a good one! I had not heard it before.

Kim Rahn said...
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Kim Rahn said...

I love Brett Dennen...very calming and fun to listen to. I am NOT normally a BIG fan of folk music, but I love just about ALL of his!! Check him out!!! Another fav of mine by him..."Ain't gonna lose you."

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